
Can a game be an effective teaching tool?

The dissemination event that took place on the 24th of June 2022 at TU Berlin aimed to investigate this question as well as taking the opinion of students from different universities about the possibility of including gaming in teaching. Hosted by the faculty of “Production and Operations Management” of the TU Berlin, with the presence of students from universities across Germany, 18 students played a game with one purpose, that is to put their knowledge of supply chain management to the test. After having been introduced to the game, the students played instances of the game developed in the context of the project. The students, having been randomly placed in six groups, competed against each other in order to optimize their supply chains. The tasks involved varied from capacity management to workshop management and contract management. The winning teams received prizes selected from the TU Berlin shop. The feedback provided by the participants at the end of the event brought perspective to the project researchers and game developers as students expressed their views on the game from a technical point of view as well as the value it could bring if integrated as a teaching tool and what could be added or removed.

The winning teams received prizes selected from the TU Berlin shop. The feedback towards the end of the event brought perspective to the project researchers and game developers as students expressed their views on the game from a technical point of view as well as the value it could bring if integrated as a teaching tool and what could be added or removed.